Key Information

School Day

School Hours

Children in years 1 to 6 spend 33 hours and 20 mins in school each week.
Children in Reception spend 32.5 hours in school each week and full time Nursery is 31 hours 15 mins each week.

Start of the day/drop off times

Nursery Gates (Gates open at 8:40)

Parents and carers to drop off at doors to the classrooms.
Nursery 9:00am
Reception 8:50am
Year 1 8:45am

Double gates into KS2 Playground. (Gates open at 8:40)

Parents and carers to drop off at the gates. If they arrive before 8:40 when the gates open, they will line up back along Purves Road away from the school.
Year 2 8:50am
Year 3 8:50am
Year 4 8:50am
Year 5 8:50am
Year 6 8:50am

End of the day/pick up times

Nursery Gates (gates open at 3:15pm)

Parents and carers to enter the playground and pick up children from the classroom.Nursery 12:00 pm (P/T) Nursery children leaving at 12:00pm will be picked up at the main office entrance
Nursery (full time) 3:15pm
Reception 3:20pm
Year 1 3:25pm

Double gates into KS2 playground.(Gates open at 3:25pm)

Parents and carers to wait in allocated spaces for year groups inside the main KS2 playground entrance. Children will be dismissed one at a time by a member of school staff.

Parents and carers to leave with their child as soon as together.
Year 2 3:30pm
Year 3 3:30pm
Year 4 3:30pm
Year 5 3:30pm
Year 6 3:30pm


At Princess Frederica Primary School, we are very keen for children to attend school regularly. It is proven that good attendance is linked to academic success and is important for your child’s mental health and well-being.The following grades are used in the school reports to show your child’s attendance. The government expectation is that children should be in school at least 96% of the time so if attendance falls below this level, a warning letter will be sent and if attendance falls below 90%, an invitation letter will be sent for a meeting with the school attendance officer.

Attendance is 99% or


Attendance is 96% or

Room For Improvement

Attendance falls below

Cause for Concern

Attendance falls below

Child Illness

If your child is unwell and cannot attend school, you must notify the welfare officer by​. This should be done by 9:15am on the first morning and all subsequent mornings of absence.

Leave of Absence During Term Time

The Head teacher has the final decision on authorising leave of absence, all applications must be made in writing and in advance using Authorised Absence Request Form available in the office. This outlines the legal requirements for parents/carers to ensure that their children attend school. If leave of absence is taken without the request having been agreed, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.If absence is requested for a medical appointment, proof must be supplied. This can be in the form of an appointment letter, email or text.

Education Penalty Notices (EPNs)

If parents/carers decide to take their child out of school without permission, a referral can be made to Brent Educational Welfare Service and this could result in an education penalty notice (EPN) being issued. At Princess Frederica we will apply to the Educational Welfare Service for an EPN to be served against parents/carers who regularly take leave before or after a holiday.EPN fines are £120 if paid within 28 days, reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the fine may result in parents being prosecuted in court for their child’s unauthorised absence from school.Furthermore, taking a child out of school without permission could also mean the child’s school place is at risk and parents/carers may have to reapply for a place via Brent Admissions.

Promoting Good Attendance

Each week in the Celebration Assembly, the class with the best attendance for the week are praised and whole school attendance is reported.At the end of each term, the class with the highest attendance for the term are rewarded with a non uniform day.At the end of each term, all children who have achieved 100% attendance and have never been late are entered into a draw with the prize of a bicycle.

Whole School Attendance 2023-24:


School Forms

Here you will find different documents for school. These can be edited and sent directly to the admin team removing the need to visit the school office. Please send any completed documents to Please make sure you put your child’s name in the subject and their class or class teacher. If a signature is required and you can’t sign the document electronically, please indicate in the body of the email ‘please accept this email as my signature on attached document.’


School Uniform


We expect every child to wear the correct school uniform every day. Please look closely at the information below to ensure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform. During the summer months children are not allowed to wear flip flops or sunglasses. Children should bring into school a sun hat so they can play outside safely. Children should not bring sun cream into school. Boys should only wear grey socks. Girls should only wear white socks or grey tights.All items of school uniform are available from ACE Clothing. Your order can be delivered to school on Tuesdays. Please ask at the school office for a uniform order form if you need one. Forms are also available on our website. Lots of parents kindly donate second hand uniform so sales of 2nd hand uniform are organised by the PSA and held periodically throughout the year. Please ensure that your child does not wear jewellery to school, with the exception of studs or sleepers for children with pierced ears. Parents must ensure that children do not wear sleepers on P.E. days, or if they do, that they can take them out easily at school. The school cannot take responsibility for any jewellery or valuables brought to school.


Are plain white polo shirts allowed in school?
White polo shirts in a similar style are permitted in school. Plain white shirts are also allowed for boys.

Can my child wear crocs?
Crocs or Flip Flops are not permitted in school. Children are allowed to wear dark or white sandals in the summer months.

Are white sandals allowed?

Please click on the link below to be directed to Ace Clothing. You can order uniform directly from the website and have it delivered to school.

School Lunches

At Princess Frederica we are proud of the school dinners available to our pupils.

School dinners are prepared in-house from scratch, with a variety of fruit, vegetables and herbs- some of which from our own garden.

We do not include mechanically recovered or processed meat.

Universal Free School Meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

As of September 2014, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be provided with  a free school meal. This means that no child in these year groups will need to bring a packed lunch to school.

If your child has a particular medical need, dietary requirement or there is an issue you would like to discuss with us regarding school lunches, please contact the school.

London Mayor Free School Meals in years 3 to 6
Primary school children in state-funded schools in London will continue to get free school meals for the next three years. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has extended the funding to help build a better and fairer London for everyone.


Princess Frederica CE VA Primary School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors. We promote an environment where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns which they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others.

Our Safeguarding team is led by Nicola Christopher (Designated Safeguarding Lead). She is supported in this role by Holly Skilton (SENDCO and Deputy Designated safeguarding Lead) and  Sarah Bouette (Executive Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) .

If you have a safeguarding concern about the welfare of a child you are required to report this immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Leads or a senior member of staff.​If you have a concern regarding the welfare of a child outside of school hours please contact Brent Family Front Door on 020 8937 4300 (option 1).

School contact for safeguarding
If you would like any further information about safeguarding at Princess Frederica, please contact us at the

Brent Family Front Door


Safeguarding Policies

Many of our policies are available on this page. If there is something in particular that you are looking for but cannot find, please email the school office on outlining the document you are looking for. Policies related to GDPR can be found on the GDPR page.